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Course length

3 days

About the course

The fundamental requirement to a crisis free workplace is to have a credible Public Health, Occupational Health and Safety or other potential utilities crisis.

To achieve this, there is a need to identify the potential hazards that can occur and then carry out a risk assessment to determine the mitigating factors and controls to help prepare in the event of a crisis

An organization needs to identify risks through the process of finding, recognizing and describing the risks that are present in the workplace. This leads to risk analysis and risk evaluation before any risk treatment can be instituted to reach an acceptable or tolerable risk level.

Course Objectives

On completion of the program, the participants will be able to identify the potential crisis that can occur within the work place. Having identified the likely or potential crisis, the participants will be able to draw up risk assessment and mitigating factors to overcome the crisis and help reduce the impact.

Learning Outcomes

The program objectives are to help delegates:-

✓ To be able to identify potential business and occupational health and safety crisis Public
✓ To understand the concept of risk assessment
✓ The regulatory context of crisis and risk assessment and its significance
✓ To be able to use qualitative methodology of risk assessment
✓ Analysing and calculating risk; the use of risk matrices
✓ To be able to recommend practical control measures.
✓ Developing robust control and mitigation strategies
✓ Delivering a realistic picture of organisational crisis and risk to secure effective management decisions

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